Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Back from IGDA Leadership Forum in San Francisco

This was my first IGDA event and I had a fantastic time. Even on registration night the day before the opening seminar I started meeting really interesting and passionate people (shout out to mis amigos at Kaxan Games!). It's great to be able to chat with folks who have been fighting the same fight as you have but who nonetheless have different perspectives and experiences.

And let's talk about the opening seminar! The inimitable Ike Harris of Zynga and the exuberant Kim Sellentin of SEGA Australia did a great job of setting the tone with their joint talk on Scrum implementation at their respective studios. And as if that wasn't enough they let me tag along when they popped off to In n Out for late night burgers.

The social aspects of the event were, in fact, even more meaningful to me than the purely informative nature of the sessions. Breakfast with the incredibly friendly Clint Keith, chatting about project management consulting with the unmistakable Michael Saladino, and discussing the horrors of suburban snow removal with Adrian and Kevin from Vicarious Visions all had a lasting impact for me.

I should really post my thoughts individually on each of the seminars I attended, so I'll save a few of the details for later. Suffice it to say that for folks in management and leadership positions in the industry, the IGDA LF is a highly recommended event.

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