Friday, November 19, 2010

New Wolf Diary entry -- Tuesday, November 28th

I hadn't really thought this through when I started resurrecting these diary entries, but now that the entry dates are almost aligned with the current date I'm starting to get a little confused. I can only imagine how befuddling that must be for you, the returning blog visitor. Or even you, the intrepid first time reader*.

So to be clear, the title of this post ("blah blah blah November 28th") refers to November 28th, 2006 -- the date on which I originally wrote the diary page in question.

It's funny to think of how the landscape of the industry has changed in just four years. Notice some of the names in the latest diary entry. Quake Wars was still in production. Z-Axis wasn't Activision Foster City or Underground, nonexistent. id was a major player. Or possibly even a playah. Hard to say. I've never been the most appropriate person to make that distinction. Point being, things change. A lot. In subjectively little time. And with that, I've managed to make a seemingly profound observation that's really just a paraphrase of 2000-year-old Socratic thought. Way to go, me.

*according to this blog's Stats page, this is actually a rather small demographic. Size of 1, in fact. Here's looking at you, xxx.xx.xx.255 of Ottumwa, Iowa.

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