Monday, October 11, 2010

My First Layoff

Well, technically my second, but last time I had to walk someone out the door, not the other way around.

Something I didn't realize about layoffs -- and I don't know if this is just an Activision thing or if it's a federal stipulation -- is that the day you're let go you don't stop being an employee. Today is actually the beginning of our 60 days notice that our employment is being terminated. What that means to you, the consumer, is that I and all of my soon-to-be-ex-coworkers are still Activision employees and thus bound by the company's code of conduct. And, to be honest, while there are always going to be some really unfortunate effects from events such as this, I have to say that the whole affair is being handled with a lot more grace on Raven/Activision's part than many people have encountered at other companies. I've learned a lot about such things just in the past 24 hours and it's been somewhat eye-opening.

One of the things that I've always found unfortunate about layoffs and restructurings and realigning a workforce to better reflect a studio's upcoming slate is that you never seem to hear anything from the people who are let go. Which is a shame because layoffs tend to brand some very capable people with a frequently undeserved scarlet letter without giving them a chance to be heard. I hope that doesn't happen here.

Special message to my fellow laid-off Ravenites:

I've worked closely with almost all of you and I have a pretty good feel for what most of you are capable of. I know what you've accomplished on your various projects. I've also seen a few resumes come in over the years and I may be able to lend some insight into what prospective game industry employers would like to see when you start interviewing.

If I can be of any assistance to you, even if it's just to encourage you, contact me through comments on this post or through LinkedIn.

Most of you know that in my role as producer all I've really wanted to do -- what has given me the greatest satisfaction -- is to help you by removing the obstacles between you and success. If I can still do that for you in any way, let me know.


  1. I really like this post. Not because of the sad parts, but because of the truthfulness of it all. It is SUPER irritating that they're not even allowed to tell you anything. Just "sorry, your job is no longer available. Here's the door."

    I feel really bad for the Ravenites that lost their jobs today. I guess the best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time

  2. Great post Keith. Again, its been an absolute pleasure. I will be following along.
